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Edit Command



Open an editor for a Rascal module


  • :edit ModuleName


This opens an editor for the given module name. For every context of running Rascal, this could mean different things:

  • On the Unix commandline the ${EDITOR} environment variable will be used to open a file. If that file is present in the local file system, it is opened by running ${EDITOR} /absolute/path/to/module.rsc, but if the file is hidden behind an opaque Location scheme, then it is first copied to a temporary file on the local file system, and then opened.
  • In Eclipse, the eclipse editor framework is used to open an editor for the file. If it is a so called "resource" in the eclipse file system, and editable file is opened with all the Rascal language support. If the file is from an embedded library (inside a jar) then the contents of the file are shown in a similar editor, but read-only.
  • In VScode a similar experience is provided as in Eclipse, but the editor for library files does not know it is read-only.