module Grammar
A simple but effective internal format for the representation of context-free grammars.
import Grammar;
extend ParseTree;
data Grammar
The Grammar datatype.
data Grammar
= \grammar(set[Symbol] starts, map[Symbol sort, Production def] rules)
Grammar is the internal representation (AST) of syntax definitions used in Rascal. A grammar is a set of productions and set of start symbols. The productions are stored in a map for efficient access.
data GrammarModule
data GrammarModule
= \module(str name, set[str] imports, set[str] extends, Grammar grammar)
data GrammarDefinition
data GrammarDefinition
= \definition(str main, map[str name, GrammarModule \mod] modules)
function grammar
Grammar grammar(set[Symbol] starts, set[Production] prods)
Grammar grammar(type[&T <: Tree] sym)
data Item
An item is an index into the symbol list of a production rule.
data Item
= item(Production production, int index)
function compose
Compose two grammars.
Grammar compose(Grammar g1, Grammar g2)
Compose two grammars by adding the rules of g2 to the rules of g1. The start symbols of g1 will be the start symbols of the resulting grammar.
function extends
Compute a relation from extender to extended module for the given grammar.
rel[str \module, str extended] extends(GrammarDefinition def)
Note that this relation is already transitively closed because that is the semantics of extend.
function imports
Compute a relation from importer to imported modules for the given grammar.
rel[str \module, str imported] imports(GrammarDefinition def)
function dependencies
Compute which modules directly depend on which other modules.
rel[str \module, str dependency] dependencies(GrammarDefinition def)
This function computes dependencies via import and extend relations. Every module X that imports Y or extends Y ends up in the result as <X, Y>. The extends relation that we use is already transitively closed. Next to this we also add dependencies <X, Z> for all modules X that import Y which extends Z. Because of the transitive nature of module extension, a module that extends another module exposes all rules to any importing module.