module analysis::flow::ObjectFlow
Intermediate Language and Basic Algorithms for object flow analysis.
import analysis::flow::ObjectFlow;
import List;
extend analysis::graphs::Graph;
The object flow language from the Tonella and Potrich book "Reverse Engineering Object Oriented Code" is an intermediate representation for object flow. We may translate for example Java to this intermediate language and then analyze object flow based on the simpler language.
The implementation in this file is intended to work with Core-M3 models
data FlowProgram
data FlowProgram
= flowProgram(set[FlowDecl] decls, set[FlowStm] statements)
data FlowDecl
Figure 2.1.
data FlowDecl
= attribute(loc id)
| method(loc id, list[loc] formalParameters)
| constructor(loc id, list[loc] formalParameters)
data FlowStm
Figure 2.1.
data FlowStm
= newAssign(loc target, loc class, loc ctor, list[loc] actualParameters)
| assign(loc target, loc cast, loc source)
| call(loc target, loc cast, loc receiver, loc method, list[loc] actualParameters)
alias OFG
rel[loc from, loc to]
function buildFlowGraph
Figure 2.2.
OFG buildFlowGraph(FlowProgram p)
function propagate
Section 2.4.
rel[loc,&T] propagate(OFG g, rel[loc,&T] gen, rel[loc,&T] kill, bool back)