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module analysis::formalconcepts::FCA


Library for Formal Concept Analysis.


import analysis::formalconcepts::FCA;


import Set;
import Map;
import Relation;
import lang::dot::Dot;


Formal Concept Analysis is a somewhat ubiquitous tool in software analysis projects. It can be used to find latent groups of objects that share the same attributes in a dataset. Typically, we apply FCA to a relation rel[&O objects, &A attributes], which represents extracted source code artifacts and their attributes.

alias FormalContext

rel[&Object, &Attribute]

alias Concept

tuple[set[&Object] objects, set[&Attribute] attributes]

alias ConceptLattice

rel[Concept[&Object, &Attribute], Concept[&Object, &Attribute]]

alias Object2Attributes

map[&Object, set[&Attribute]]

alias Attribute2Objects

map[&Attribute, set[&Object]]

function fca

Computes Concept Lattice given the Object Attribute Relation.

ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] fca (FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] fc)

function toDot

Computes Dot Graph from Concept Lattice.

DotGraph toDot(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] cl)

DotGraph toDot(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] cl, bool lab)

function toDotline

Dotline toDotline(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] cl)

function toOutline

Outline toOutline(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] cl)

function toFormalContext

FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] toFormalContext(Object2Attributes[&Object, &Attribute] objects)

FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] toFormalContext(Attribute2Objects[&Object, &Attribute] attributes)

function intersection

set[&T] intersection(set[set[&T]] st)

function union

set[&T] union(set[set[&T]] st)

function isSubset

bool isSubset(set[set[&T]] candidate, set[&T] s )

function sigma

set[&Attribute] sigma(FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] fc, set[&Object] objects)

function tau

set[&Object] tau(FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] fc, set[&Attributes] attributes)

function maxincl

set[set[&T]] maxincl(set[set[&T]] c)

function createAttributeLattice

rel[set[&Attribute], set[&Attribute]] createAttributeLattice(FormalContext[&Object, &Attribute] fc)

function makeNodes

map[Concept[&Object, &Attribute], int] makeNodes(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] q)

function addConcept

set[&Attribute] addConcept(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute] q,  Concept[&Object, &Attribute] c)

function compose

Stm compose(Concept[&Object, &Attribute] c, map[Concept[&Object, &Attribute], int] z, bool lab)

function toDotString

Write relation in .dot format.

str toDotString(ConceptLattice[&Object, &Attribute]  q)