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module lang::java::m3::Core


Extends the M3 Core model with Java specific concepts such as inheritance and overriding.


import lang::java::m3::Core;


extend lang::java::m3::TypeSymbol;
import lang::java::m3::AST;
extend analysis::m3::Core;
import analysis::graphs::Graph;
import analysis::m3::Registry;
import IO;
import String;
import Relation;
import Set;
import List;
import util::FileSystem;
import util::Reflective;

data M3

Java extensions to the generic M3 model.

data M3 (
rel[loc from, loc to] extends = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] implements = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] methodInvocation = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] fieldAccess = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] typeDependency = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] methodOverrides = {},
rel[loc from, loc to] annotations = {}

Notice that this model also contains the core attributes from M3; in particular containment, declarations, modifiers, uses, types, and messages are hot for the Java M3 model.

The additional relations represent specifically static semantic links from the object-oriented programming paradigm that Java belongs to. However, this only contains facts extracted directly from source code. The actual static semantic interpretation (type hierarchies, call graphs) requires an additional analysis step with its own design choices.

Ground truth fact kind about source codeDescription
rel[loc from, loc to] extendscaptures class and interface inheritance, classes extend classes and interfaces extend interfaces. Implicit inheritance (i.e. from java.lang.Object) is not included.
rel[loc from, loc to] implementswhich class implements which interfaces (directly, transitive implementation via de extends relation must be derived)
rel[loc from, loc to] methodInvocationwhich method potentially invokes which (virtual) method. For a call graph this must be composed with methodOverrides
rel[loc from, loc to] fieldAccesswhich method (or static block or field initializer) accesss which fields from which classes
rel[loc from, loc to] typeDependencyuses of types (literally!) in methods, static blocks and field initializers.
rel[loc from, loc to] methodOverridescaptures which methods override which other methods from their parents in the inheritance/implements hierarchy. Useful for approximating call graphs.
rel[loc from, loc to] annotationslogs which declarations (classes, interfaces, parameters, methods, variables, etc.) are tagged with which annotation classes or interfaces

These are the kinds of logical names that can be found in a Java M3 model:

  • unknown:/// is from general M3 and means a name has not even been tried to be resolved. It usually the default for the keyword parameters decl and typ.
  • unresolved:/// is from general M3 and means a name was tried to be resolved, but this was unsuccessful. Typically this means either the Java source code was statically incorrect, or the classpath for configuring AST or M3 extraction was incomplete.
  • java+class:/// is a fully resolved and qualified class name
  • java+interface:/// is a fully resolved and qualified interface name
  • java+classOrInterface:/// is the fully qualified name of an external class or interface that has not been resolved (since it is not on the classpath but it is used).
  • java+module:/// the root scheme points to any or all modules and when it has a qualified name it is a specific module (a la Java 9's module system).
  • java+compilationUnit:/// is the name of a file that contains an entire Java compilationUnit. The path name starts from the root of the source path for the current analysis run, or from the jar file that contains the .class bytecode currently under analysis. Typically a source compilation unit has one class member in the containment relation, but this is not required. There could be more private or protected classes in the same unit.
  • java+constructor:/// is the fully qualified constructor method of class (including parameter types to distinguish it from the other constructors)
  • java+method:/// is the fully qualified constructor method of class (including parameter types to distinguish it from the other constructors)
  • java+initializer:/// unique address of an initializer expression for a field or variable.
  • java+parameter:/// unique address for method, constructor and lambda parameters.
  • java+variable:/// unique address for local variables in methods, constructors and lambdas.
  • java+field:/// unique address for fields of classes and interfaces.
  • java+enum:/// is a fully resolved and qualified name of an enum class.
  • java+array:/// is the name of an array type
  • java+typeVariable:/// is the unique address of an open type variable (of a class or method)
  • java+wildcardType:/// is the address of an anonymous type variable.
  • java+enumConstant:/// is the unique address of one of the constants of an enum type.
  • java+field:/// is the unique address of a field in a class, interface or enum.
  • java+arrayLength:/// is the singleton address for the length field of all arrays in Java.
  • java+primitiveType:/// is used when type resolution points to a builtin primitive in Java. These names also often occur
  • java+anonymousClass:/// uniquely labels anonymous classes, however since indexing is used the names are not stable between different versions of the same code, or between binary and source extractions. as elements of other schemes, for example to uniquel encode parameter types of methods.


  • Java M3 is an immutable database, which is implemented using advanced persistent hash-tries under the hood. This makes analysis fast, and if you compute new M3 models from earlier models your source data can never be influenced by the later stages. This is very good for research purposes where the provenance of every data point is essential for the sake of validity.
  • Java M3 is complete in the sense that all notions of programmable artefacts that exist in Java are represented. However, every piece of information is local and static: intra-procedural, flow and path insensitive. If the M3 database does not provide enough information, then the AST model is the next source to use. There is also a flow analysis module: Java To Object Flow.
  • Java M3 is aligned with the AST model for Java:
    • every decl= parameter on Declarations nodes corresponds to an entry in the declarations relation in M3
    • every decl= parameter on other nodes (Expressions, Types, Statements), corresponds to an entry in the uses relation in M3.
    • every src parameter on AST nodes can be looked up in the declarations or uses relations. Although not all nodes lead to declarations or uses of declarations, if they do their source locations line up between the AST and the M3 model.
    • The typ parameters on nodes is a distributed version of the generic types relation in de M3 model.
    • scope nesting in the AST is represented one-to-one by the containment relation in the M3 model.
    • The modifiers relation in M3 collects all the modifiers for every Declaration node that may have modifiers in Java.
  • Java M3 is freely composable using the Compose M3 function, to create larger databases of measurable and analyzable software artefacts.
  • Java M3 has been used in countless education and research projects.
  • Java M3 can be composed with M3 models of other languages (C++, C) for cross language analysis.
  • Java M3 represents only exact and accurate facts, and no analysis results (yet). You can write a simple call graph analysis in one line of Rascal; but it is good to realize that such analyses are inaccurate by their very nature.
  • Java M3 has all the basic facts to build basic and advanced static analyses (such as call graphs)
  • Using Diff Java M3 software evolution can be tracked over syntactic and semantic objects, instead of just line of text.
  • M3 models can be extracted from source code, but also from .class files in jars and folders.


  • with |unresolved:///|'s or unknown:///'s in the model, counting elements for the sake of software metrics is dubious. The reason is that the counts will simply be off (both over- and under-approximated). Typically it is better to iterate a better classpath until the list of error messages from the compiler is empty and all names and types have been resolved, and then start measuring or running downstream analyses.
  • Composition via Compose M3 is dumb; it simply unions all the sets of tuples. For a meaningful link, there are specific analyses to run.
  • Models extracted for the same project from source or from .class files can be slightly different:
    • If classpath parameters were different between the different extractors, then names and types can be resolved differently or not at all.
    • Some artefacts on the source code level are compiled away on the bytecode level (lambdas are a fine example). If you need to line up facts from source and binary, an additional analysis is required using heuristics that "decompile" JVM bytecode back to the Java level.
    • Anonymous entities such as lambdas and anonymous nested classes may be labeled by a different counter, accidentally.
  • The intersection of the generic modifiers relation in M3 and the Java-specific annotations is not empty. All annotations are also modifiers in Java M3, but no non-annotation modifiers end up in the `annotations`` relation.

data M3

Extensions for modelling the Java module system.

data M3 (
rel[loc \module, loc requiredModule] moduleRequiresModule = {},
rel[loc \module, loc package, loc to] moduleOpensPackage = {},
rel[loc \module, loc service, loc to] moduleExportsPackage = {},
rel[loc \module, loc service, loc implementation] moduleProvidesService = {},
rel[loc \module, loc service] moduleUsesService = {}

The Java module system was introduced with Java 9. A "module" is a group of related packages, what is typically called a "component" in general programming terms. A module definition explains:

  • what other modules the current module depends on: moduleRequiresModule
  • what packages are open to reflection by other modules: moduleOpensPackage
  • what interfaces are available to other modules (the rest is unavailable by default): moduleExportsInterface
  • the "services" it uses from other modules: moduleUsesInterface
  • the "services" it offers to other modules: moduleProvidesImplementation

And so each of these aspects has their own set of facts in the extended M3 model for Java: | Facts about Java modules | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | | rel[loc \module, loc requiredModule] moduleRequiresModule | which modules each module requires | | rel[loc \module, loc package, loc to] moduleOpensPackage | what packages are open for reflection in a given module | | rel[loc \module, loc service, loc to] moduleExportsPackage | which packages (the public and protected classes therein) are exported by every module | | rel[loc \module, loc service, loc implementation] moduleProvidesService | what services are implemented by this module | | rel[loc \module, loc service] moduleUsesService | which services are used by every module |


  • M3 models with the Module system extensions are composable to generate large queriable databases for entire software ecosystems.
  • The same module definitions can be extracted from both bytecode (in jar files) and source code.


  • modules, although they semantically encapsulate packages, interfaces and classes, do not appear in the containment relation of the core M3 model. That is because containment represents the static scoping relation of declared source code elements. The relation between modules and what is inside them is yet another form of encapsulation; so to avoid conflating them they are stored in different relations.
  • modules information extracted from .class files in jars can be different from the information extracted from source. The matching cause of this is a different classpath at M3-model-extraction-time. Some classes or interfaces from external projects may be resolved as java+classOrInterface:///examplePackage/exampleClassOrInterface in the one, while the exact type is visible as java+interface:///examplePackage/exampleClassOrInterface in the other. After linking all available models using Compose M3 you could write a simple analysis that resolves the unresolved references, or perhaps this information is not consequential to your analysis task.
  • the Java module system does not pertain projects and project dependencies and their versions.

function composeJavaM3

Combines a set of Java meta models by merging their relations.

M3 composeJavaM3(loc id, set[M3] models)

function diffJavaM3

Returns the difference between the first model and the others.

M3 diffJavaM3(loc id, list[M3] models)

Combines models[1..] into a single model and then calculates the difference between model[0] and this new joined model.

The id is the identifier for the returned model.

function createM3FromFile

Creates a M3 from a single files.

M3 createM3FromFile(loc file, bool errorRecovery = false, list[loc] sourcePath = [], list[loc] classPath = [], Language javaVersion = JLS13())

Identical to Create M3s From Files: createM3sFromFiles({file}).

function createM3sFromFiles

For a set of Java files, generates matching M3s.

set[M3] createM3sFromFiles(set[loc] files, bool errorRecovery = false, list[loc] sourcePath = [], list[loc] classPath = [], Language javaVersion = JLS13())

Each M3 has the id filled with a matching location from files.

function createM3FromFiles

For a set of Java files, creates a composed M3.

M3 createM3FromFiles(loc projectName, set[loc] files, bool errorRecovery = false, list[loc] sourcePath = [], list[loc] classPath = [], Language javaVersion = JLS13())

While Create M3s From Files leaves the M3s separated, this function composes them into a single model.

function createM3sAndAstsFromFiles

tuple[set[M3], set[Declaration]] createM3sAndAstsFromFiles(set[loc] files, bool errorRecovery = false, list[loc] sourcePath = [], list[loc] classPath = [], Language javaVersion = JLS13())

function createM3FromString

M3 createM3FromString(loc fileName, str contents, bool errorRecovery = false, list[loc] sourcePath = [], list[loc] classPath = [], Language javaVersion = JLS13())

function createM3FromJarClass

M3 createM3FromJarClass(loc jarClass, list[loc] classPath = [])

function createM3FromSingleClass

M3 createM3FromSingleClass(loc jarClass, str className, list[loc] classPath = [])

function createM3FromJarFile

M3 createM3FromJarFile(loc jarLoc, list[loc] classPath = [])

function createM3FromDirectory

Globs for jars, class files and java files in a directory and tries to compile all source files into an M3 model.

M3 createM3FromDirectory(loc project, bool errorRecovery = false, bool includeJarModels=false, Language javaVersion = JLS13(), list[loc] classPath = [])

function createM3FromMavenProject

Globs for jars, class files and java files in a directory and tries to compile all source files into an M3 model.

M3 createM3FromMavenProject(loc project, bool errorRecovery = false, bool includeJarModels=false, Language javaVersion = JLS13())

function createM3FromJar

Extract an M3 model from all the class files in a jar.

M3 createM3FromJar(loc jarFile, list[loc] classPath = [])

We use Create M3 From Jar to extract an initial M3 model and then a number of steps enrich the M3 towards a model that could have come from the original source.

In particular:

  • typeDependency is enriched by adding extends and implements
  • methodOverrides is recovered from extends and implements, but restricted to the actual overriden methods.

function unregisterJavaProject

void unregisterJavaProject(loc project)

function getMethodSignature

str getMethodSignature(loc method)

function isCompilationUnit

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a compilation unit.

bool isCompilationUnit(loc entity)

A compilation unit is equivalent to a .java file in Java.

function isPackage

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a package.

bool isPackage(loc entity)

function isClass

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a class.

bool isClass(loc entity)

function isConstructor

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a constructor.

bool isConstructor(loc entity)

function isMethod

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a method.

bool isMethod(loc entity)

Constructors and initializers are also considered methods here.


If isConstructor(entity), then also isMethod(entity). Note that the opposite is not true.

function isParameter

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a parameter.

bool isParameter(loc entity)

function isVariable

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a variable.

bool isVariable(loc entity)

function isField

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a field.

bool isField(loc entity)

function isInterface

Checks if the logical name of the entity is an interface.

bool isInterface(loc entity)

function isEnum

Checks if the logical name of the entity is an enum.

bool isEnum(loc entity)

function isType

Checks if the logical name of the entity is a type.

bool isType(loc entity)

A type is considered to be a class, an interface, or an enum.


If isClass(entity), then also isType(entity). If isInterface(entity), then also isType(entity). If isEnum(entity), then also isType(entity).

Note that the opposite is not true.

function files

Extracts all fields that are contained in parent.

set[loc] files(rel[loc, loc] containment)

function declaredMethods

rel[loc, loc] declaredMethods(M3 m, set[Modifier] checkModifiers = {})

function declaredFields

rel[loc, loc] declaredFields(M3 m, set[Modifier] checkModifiers = {})

function declaredFieldsX

rel[loc, loc] declaredFieldsX(M3 m, set[Modifier] checkModifiers = {})

function declaredTopTypes

For all compilation units (left side), gets the types (right side).

rel[loc, loc] declaredTopTypes(M3 m)

function declaredSubTypes

rel[loc, loc] declaredSubTypes(M3 m)

function classes

Extracts all classes (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] classes(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function interfaces

Extracts all interfaces (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] interfaces(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function packages

Extracts all packages (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] packages(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function variables

Extracts all variables (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] variables(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function parameters

Extracts all parameters (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] parameters(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function fields

Extracts all fields (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] fields(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function methods

Extracts all methods (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] methods(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function constructors

Extracts all constructors (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] constructors(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function enums

Extracts all enums (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] enums(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function types

Extracts all types (logical names) from an M3.

set[loc] types(M3 m)

Caches the results in memory.

function elements

Extracts all elements that are contained in parent.

set[loc] elements(M3 m, loc parent)

See M3 containment for the definition of contains.

function fields

Extracts all fields that are contained in class.

set[loc] fields(M3 m, loc class)

Filtered version of Elements.

function methods

Extracts all methods that are contained in class.

set[loc] methods(M3 m, loc class)

Filtered version of Elements.

function constructors

Extracts all constructors that are contained in class.

set[loc] constructors(M3 m, loc class)

Filtered version of Elements.

function nestedClasses

Extracts all classes that are contained in class.

set[loc] nestedClasses(M3 m, loc class)

Filtered version of Elements.