module lang::std::ANSI
Documents a part of the ANSI standard for terminal control sequences.
import lang::std::ANSI;
syntax ControlCode
lexical ControlCode
= bell : [\a07]
| backspace : [\a07]
| tab : [\a09]
| lineFeed : [\a0A]
| formFeed : [\a0C]
| carriageReturn: [\a0D]
| escape : [\a1B]
syntax ControlSequenceIntroducer
lexical ControlSequenceIntroducer = [\a1B] [\[];
syntax SpecialControlSequence
lexical SpecialControlSequence = controlSequence: ControlSequenceIntroducer csi CSISequence code;
syntax CSISequence
lexical CSISequence
= cursorUp : Number n [A]
| cursorDown : Number n [B]
| cursorForward : Number n [C]
| cursorBack : Number n [D]
| cursorNextLine : Number n [E]
| cursorPreviousLine : Number n [F]
| cursorHorizontalAbsolute : Number n [G]
| cursorPosition : Number n [;] Number m [H]
| clearToEndOfScreen : Number n [0]? [J]
| clearToBeginningOfScreen : Number n [1] [J]
| clearEntireScreen : Number n [2] [J]
| clearEntireScreenAndBuffer : Number n [3] [J]
| clearToEndOfLine : "0" [K]
| clearToBeginningOfLine : "1" [K]
| clearEntireLine : "2" [K]
| scrollUp : Number n [S]
| scrollDown : Number n [T]
| horizontalVerticalPosition : Number n [;] Number m [f]
| selectGraphicsRendition : Rendition r [m]
| hideCursor : "?25l"
| showCursor : "?25h"
syntax Rendition
lexical Rendition
= reset : "0"
| bold : "1"
| faint : "2"
| italic : "3"
| underline : "4"
| slowBlink : "5"
| rapidBlink : "6"
| reverse : "7"
| conceal : "8"
| crossedOut : "9"
| primaryFont : "10"
| alternativeFont : "1" FontChoice
| fraktur : "20"
| doubleUnderline : "21"
| normalIntensity : "22"
| neitherItalicNorBlackletter : "23"
| notUnderlined : "24"
| notBlinking : "25"
| proportionalSpacing : "26"
| notReversed : "27"
| notConcealed : "28"
| notCrossedOut : "29"
| setForegroundColor : "3" ColorChoice
| setForegroundColorRGB : "38" "5" [;] Number color
| setForegroundColorRGB : "38" "2" [;] Number red [;] Number green [;] Number blue
| setDefaultForegroundColor : "39"
| setBackgroundColor : "4" ColorChoice
| setBackgroundColorRGB : "48" "5" [;] Number color
| setBackgroundColorRGB : "48" "2" [;] Number red [;] Number green [;] Number blue
| setDefaultBackgroundColor : "49"
| disableProportionalSpacing : "50"
| framed : "51"
| encircled : "52"
| overlined : "53"
| neitherFramedNorEncircled : "54"
| notOverlined : "55"
| setUnderlineColor : "58" "5" [;] Number color
| setUnderlineColor : "58" "2" [;] Number red [;] Number green [;] Number blue
| defaultUnderlineColor : "59"
| rightsideLine : "60"
| rightsideDoubleLine : "61"
| leftsideLine : "62"
| leftsideDoubleLine : "63"
| stressMarking : "64"
| resetAllLines : "65"
| superscript : "73"
| subscript : "74"
| neitherSubscriptNorSuperScript: "75"
| setBrightForegroundColor : "9" ColorChoice
| setBrightBackgroundColor : "10" ColorChoice
syntax Number
lexical Number = [0-9]+;
syntax ColorChoice
lexical ColorChoice = [0-7];
syntax FontChoice
lexical FontChoice = [0-9];
function number
Convenience function to construct a list of digits.
Number number(int n)
function colorChoice
ColorChoice colorChoice(int n)
function fontChoice
FontChoice fontChoice(int n)