module analysis::grammars::dramb::Detection
import analysis::grammars::dramb::Detection;
Source code
import ParseTree;
import Exception;
import Node;
import IO;
function isValid
A tree is still "valid" if parsing its yield does not produce a parse error; ambiguity is ok.
bool isValid(type[Tree] gr, Tree t)
function isValid
A string is a "valid" if it does not produce a parse error; ambiguity is ok.
bool isValid(type[Tree] gr, str s)
function isAmbiguous
Use the parser to find out if the sentence this tree represents is ambiguous or not.
bool isAmbiguous(type[Tree] gr, Tree t)
function isAmbiguous
Use the parser to find out if this sentence is ambiguous or not.
bool isAmbiguous(type[Tree] gr, str s)
function hasAmb
bool hasAmb(Tree t)
function clean
type[Tree] clean(type[Tree] gr)