module lang::php::analysis::NamePaths
import lang::php::analysis::NamePaths;
Source code
import String;
import IO;
function addLibrary
loc addLibrary(loc l, str library)
loc addLibrary(loc l, str library)
Define name paths, which are equivalent to M3 locs
function cleanString
str cleanString(str input)
function functionPath
loc functionPath(str fname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc functionPath(str fname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a function, with or without an explicit namespace
function isFunctionPath
bool isFunctionPath(loc path)
Check to see if the provided path is for a PHP function
function getFunctionName
str getFunctionName(loc functionPath)
Get the name of the function defined by the path
function closurePath
loc closurePath(loc closureLoc, str library="", str namespace="")
loc closurePath(loc closureLoc, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a closure, with or without an explicit namespace
function isClosurePath
bool isClosurePath(loc path)
Check to see if the provided path is for a PHP closure
function constPath
loc constPath(str cname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc constPath(str cname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a regular constant, with or without an explicit namespace
function isConstPath
bool isConstPath(loc path)
Check to see if the provided path is for a PHP constant
function getConstName
str getConstName(loc constPath)
Get the name of the constant defined by the path
function classPath
loc classPath(str cname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc classPath(str cname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a class, with or without an explicit namespace
function interfacePath
loc interfacePath(str iname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc interfacePath(str iname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for an interface, with or without an explicit namespace
function traitPath
loc traitPath(str tname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc traitPath(str tname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a trait, with or without an explicit namespace
function methodPath
loc methodPath(str cname, str mname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc methodPath(str cname, str mname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a method, with or without an explicit namespace
function isMethodPath
bool isMethodPath(loc path)
Check to see if the provided path is for a PHP method
function getMethodClassName
str getMethodClassName(loc methodPath)
Get the name of the function defined by the path
function getMethodName
str getMethodName(loc methodPath)
Get the name of the function defined by the path
function fieldPath
loc fieldPath(str cname, str fname, str library="", str namespace="")
loc fieldPath(str cname, str fname, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a field, with or without an explicit namespace
function classConstPath
loc classConstPath(str cname, str constName, str library="", str namespace="")
loc classConstPath(str cname, str constName, str library="", str namespace="")
Create name paths for a class constant, with or without an explicit namespace
function isClassConstPath
bool isClassConstPath(loc path)
Check to see if the provided path is for a PHP class constant
function getClassConstInfo
tuple[str className, str constName] getClassConstInfo(loc constPath)
Get the name of the class and constant defined by the path
function getClassConstClassName
str getClassConstClassName(loc constPath)
Get the name of the class containing the constant defined by the path
function getClassConstName
str getClassConstName(loc constPath)
Get the name of the constant defined by the path
function scriptPath
loc scriptPath(str library, str namespace="")
loc scriptPath(str library, str namespace="")
Create name paths for a script, with or without an explicit namespace