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module lang::php::analysis::cfg::BuildCFG



import lang::php::analysis::cfg::BuildCFG;

Source code


import lang::php::ast::AbstractSyntax;
import lang::php::analysis::NamePaths;
import lang::php::analysis::cfg::CFG;
import lang::php::analysis::cfg::Label;
import lang::php::analysis::cfg::LabelState;
import lang::php::analysis::cfg::FlowEdge;
import lang::php::analysis::cfg::BasicBlocks;
import lang::php::util::Utils;
import IO;
import List;
import Set;
import Node;
import Relation;

function buildCFGs

map[loc,CFG] buildCFGs(loc l, bool buildBasicBlocks=true)

Build the CFGs for a single PHP file, given as a location

function buildCFGsAndScript

tuple[Script scr, map[loc,CFG] cfgs] buildCFGsAndScript(Script scr, bool buildBasicBlocks=true)

Build the CFGs for a PHP script, returning both the CFGs and the labeled script.

function buildCFGs

map[loc,CFG] buildCFGs(Script scr, bool buildBasicBlocks=true)

Build just the CFGs for a PHP script

function stripLabels

Script stripLabels(Script scr)

Strip the label annotations off of the nodes in the script.

function getScriptMethods

map[loc, ClassItem] getScriptMethods(Script scr)

Retrieve all method declarations from a script.

function getScriptFunctions

map[loc, Stmt] getScriptFunctions(Script scr)

Retrieve all function declarations from a script. Note: this assumes that definitions are unique.

function cleanUpGraph

tuple[set[CFGNode] nodes, set[FlowEdge] edges] cleanUpGraph(LabelState lstate, set[FlowEdge] edges)

function removeUnrealizablePaths

set[FlowEdge] removeUnrealizablePaths(set[FlowEdge] edges)

function createScriptCFG

tuple[CFG scriptCFG, LabelState lstate] createScriptCFG(Script scr, LabelState lstate)

function createMethodCFG

tuple[CFG methodCFG, LabelState lstate] createMethodCFG(loc np, ClassItem m, LabelState lstate)

function createFunctionCFG

tuple[CFG functionCFG, LabelState lstate] createFunctionCFG(loc np, Stmt f, LabelState lstate)

function init

set[Lab] init(Stmt s, LabelState lstate)

set[Lab] init(Expr e, LabelState lstate)

function final

set[Lab] final(Stmt s, LabelState lstate)

set[Lab] final(Expr e, LabelState lstate)

Find the label of the final step taken in computing the given statement.

function addExpEdges

tuple[FlowEdges, LabelState] addExpEdges(FlowEdges edges, LabelState lstate, Expr e)

Add internal edges between subexpressions of an expression.

function addStmtEdges

tuple[FlowEdges, LabelState] addStmtEdges(FlowEdges edges, LabelState lstate, Stmt s)

Add internal edges between internal expressions and statements of a statement.

function addBodyEdges

tuple[FlowEdges, LabelState] addBodyEdges(FlowEdges edges, LabelState lstate, list[Stmt] body)

Add edges between statements given as a sequence, such as in the bodies of other statements.

function addExpSeqEdges

tuple[FlowEdges, LabelState] addExpSeqEdges(FlowEdges edges, LabelState lstate, list[Expr] exps)

Add edges between expressions that are given as a sequence.

function internalFlow

tuple[FlowEdges,LabelState] internalFlow(Stmt s, LabelState lstate)

tuple[FlowEdges,LabelState] internalFlow(Expr e, LabelState lstate)

function collapseExpressions

CFG collapseExpressions(CFG g)

Collapse expressions, which are unrolled into chains of individual nodes, back into single expression nodes.

function removeChildExpressions

CFG removeChildExpressions(CFG g)

Remove expression nodes that are children of statement nodes