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module lang::php::stats::Unfriendly



import lang::php::stats::Unfriendly;

Source code


import List;
import String;
import Set;
import Relation;
import IO;
import ValueIO;
import Map;
import Node;
import Type;
import util::Math;
import Exception;
import lang::php::util::Utils;
import lang::php::stats::Stats;
import lang::php::ast::System;
import lang::php::util::Corpus;
import lang::php::ast::AbstractSyntax;
import lang::php::util::Config;
import lang::php::analysis::signatures::Summaries;
import lang::php::analysis::includes::IncludeGraph;
import lang::php::analysis::NamePaths;
import lang::csv::IO;

alias VVUType

rel[int id, str product, str path, int line, str derivableNames,    str assignsThrough, str madeGlobal, str usesLiteralPattern,     str usesForeach, str usesSwitch, str usesConditional, str derivableWithAnnotations,     str notes]

function varVarUses

VVUType varVarUses(loc fileLoc = baseLoc + "/extract/csvs/VarVarUses.csv")

alias ExprsType

rel[str product, str version, int array, int fetchArrayDim,     int fetchClassConst, int assign, int assignWithBitwiseAnd, int assignWithBitwiseOr,     int assignWithBitwiseXor, int assignWithConcat, int assignWithDiv,  int assignWithMinus, int assignWithMod, int assignWithMul, int assignWithPlus,  int assignWithRightShift, int assignWithLeftShift, int listAssign, int refAssign,   int binOpBitwiseAnd, int binOpBitwiseOr, int binOpBitwiseXor,   int binOpConcat, int binOpDev, int binOpMinus, int binOpMod, int binOpMul,  int binOpPlus, int binOpRightShift, int binOpLeftShift, int binOpBooleanAnd,    int binOpBooleanOr, int binOpGt, int binOpGeq, int binOpLogicalAnd,     int binOpLogicalOr, int binOpLogicalXor, int binOpNotEqual,     int binOpNotIdentical, int binOpLt, int binOpLeq, int binOpEqual,   int binOpIdentical, int unaryOpBooleanNot, int unaryOpBitwiseNot,   int unaryOpPostDec, int unaryOpPreDec, int unaryOpPostInc, int unaryOpPreInc,   int unaryOpPlus, int unaryOpMinus, int new, int castToInt, int castToBool,  int castToFloat, int castToString, int castToArray, int castToObject,   int castToUnset, int clone, int closure, int fetchConst, int empty, int suppress,   int eval, int exit, int call, int methodCall, int staticCall, int include,  int instanceOf, int isSet, int print, int propertyFetch, int shellExec, int ternary,    int fetchStaticProperty, int scalar, int var, int \list]

function expressionCounts

ExprsType expressionCounts(loc fileLoc = baseLoc + "/extract/csvs/exprs.csv")

alias FeatsType

rel[str product, str version, str file, int \break, int \classDef,  int \const, int \continue, int \declare, int \do, int \echo,    int \expressionStatementChainRule, int \for, int \foreach, int \functionDef,    int \global, int \goto, int \haltCompiler, int \if, int \inlineHTML,    int \interfaceDef, int \traitDef, int \label, int \namespace, int \return,  int \static, int \switch, int \throw, int \tryCatch, int \unset, int \use,  int \while, int \array, int \fetchArrayDim, int \fetchClassConst, int \assign,  int \assignWithOperationBitwiseAnd, int \assignWithOperationBitwiseOr,  int \assignWithOperationBitwiseXor, int \assignWithOperationConcat,     int \assignWithOperationDiv, int \assignWithOperationMinus,     int \assignWithOperationMod, int \assignWithOperationMul,   int \assignWithOperationPlus, int \assignWithOperationRightShift,   int \assignWithOperationLeftShift, int \listAssign, int \refAssign,     int \binaryOperationBitwiseAnd, int \binaryOperationBitwiseOr,  int \binaryOperationBitwiseXor, int \binaryOperationConcat,     int \binaryOperationDiv, int \binaryOperationMinus, int \binaryOperationMod,    int \binaryOperationMul, int \binaryOperationPlus, int \binaryOperationRightShift,  int \binaryOperationLeftShift, int \binaryOperationBooleanAnd,  int \binaryOperationBooleanOr, int \binaryOperationGt, int \binaryOperationGeq,     int \binaryOperationLogicalAnd, int \binaryOperationLogicalOr,  int \binaryOperationLogicalXor, int \binaryOperationNotEqual,   int \binaryOperationNotIdentical, int \binaryOperationLt, int \binaryOperationLeq,  int \binaryOperationEqual, int \binaryOperationIdentical,   int \unaryOperationBooleanNot, int \unaryOperationBitwiseNot,   int \unaryOperationPostDec, int \unaryOperationPreDec, int \unaryOperationPostInc,  int \unaryOperationPreInc, int \unaryOperationUnaryPlus,    int \unaryOperationUnaryMinus, int \new, int \castToInt, int \castToBool,   int \castToFloat, int \castToString, int \castToArray, int \castToObject,   int \castToUnset, int \clone, int \closure, int \fetchConst, int \empty,    int \suppress, int \eval, int \exit, int \call, int \methodCall, int \staticCall,   int \include, int \instanceOf, int \isSet, int \print, int \propertyFetch,  int \shellExec, int \ternary, int \fetchStaticProperty, int \scalar, int \var,  int \list, int \propertyDef, int \classConstDef, int \methodDef, int \traitUse]

function getFeats

FeatsType getFeats(loc fileLoc = baseLoc + "/extract/csvs/FeaturesByFile.csv")

alias LinesType

rel[str product, str version, str file, int phpLines]

function getLines

LinesType getLines(loc fileLoc = baseLoc + "/extract/csvs/linesPerFile.csv")

alias VersionsType

rel[str product, str version, str releaseDate, str requiredPHPVersion, str comments]

function getVersions

VersionsType getVersions(loc fileLoc = baseLoc + "/extract/csvs/Versions.csv")

data QueryResult

data QueryResult  
= exprResult(loc l, Expr e)

alias QueryResults


function mygini

real mygini(lrel[num observation,int frequency] values)

real mygini(list[num] dist)

function getVVUses

QueryResults getVVUses(str product, str version)

rel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVUses(Corpus corpus)

function getVVUsesAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVUsesAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVNews

QueryResults getVVNews(str product, str version)

function getVVNewsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVNewsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVCalls

QueryResults getVVCalls(str product, str version)

function getVVCallsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVCallsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVMethodCalls

QueryResults getVVMethodCalls(str product, str version)

function getVVMethodCallsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVMethodCallsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVPropertyRefs

QueryResults getVVPropertyRefs(str product, str version)

function getVVPropertyRefsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVPropertyRefsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVClassConsts

QueryResults getVVClassConsts(str product, str version)

function getVVClassConstsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVClassConstsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVStaticCalls

QueryResults getVVStaticCalls(str product, str version)

function getVVStaticCallsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVStaticCallsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVStaticCallTargets

QueryResults getVVStaticCallTargets(str product, str version)

function getVVStaticCallTargetsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVStaticCallTargetsAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVStaticPropNames

QueryResults getVVStaticPropNames(str product, str version)

function getVVStaticPropNamesAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVStaticPropNamesAsList(Corpus corpus)

function getVVStaticPropTargets

QueryResults getVVStaticPropTargets(str product, str version)

function getVVStaticPropTargetsAsList

lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] getVVStaticPropTargetsAsList(Corpus corpus)

data VVInfo

data VVInfo  
= vvInfo(
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets)

function toVVInfo

VVInfo toVVInfo(tuple[lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets] input)

function getAllVV

tuple[lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets] getAllVV(Corpus corpus)

tuple[lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets] getAllVV(str product, str version, System ptmap)

function showOrderedRel

lrel[str p, str path, int line] showOrderedRel(rel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] res)

function writeOrderedRel

void writeOrderedRel(rel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] res, loc writeLoc)

function varVarUsesInfo

map[str,tuple[int totalCount, int derivableCount]] varVarUsesInfo(Corpus corpus)

function showUsageCounts

void showUsageCounts(Corpus corpus, lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] res)

function showFileInfo

void showFileInfo(Corpus corpus, lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] res)

function createSubfloat

str createSubfloat(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] qrlist, str caption, str label)

function showVVInfoAsLatex

str showVVInfoAsLatex(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvall,
map[str,set[loc]] transitiveUses, Corpus corpus)

function saveVVFiles

void saveVVFiles(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets

function loadVVFiles

tuple[lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets] loadVVFiles()

function generateTableFiles

void generateTableFiles(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets,
map[str,set[loc]] transitiveUses,
Corpus corpus

function resultsToGini

map[str p, real gc] resultsToGini(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] res)

alias ICLists

map[tuple[str product, str version] sysinfo, tuple[lrel[loc fileloc, Expr call] initial, lrel[loc fileloc, Expr call] unresolved] hits]

function saveForLater

void saveForLater(ICLists res)

function reload

ICLists reload()

alias IncludesCountTuple

tuple[int includeCount, int fileCount, real giniCoefficient]

alias IncludesCountBeforeAfterTuple

tuple[IncludesCountTuple initial, IncludesCountTuple unresolved]

alias ICResult

map[tuple[str product, str version] sysinfo, IncludesCountBeforeAfterTuple counts]

function calculateSystemIncludesCounts

IncludesCountBeforeAfterTuple calculateSystemIncludesCounts(System sys, rel[loc,loc,loc] resolved)

function includesCountsExists

bool includesCountsExists()

function saveIncludesCounts

void saveIncludesCounts(ICResult res)

function loadIncludesCounts

ICResult loadIncludesCounts()

function includeCounts

map[tuple[str p, str v], int] includeCounts(Corpus corpus)

function saveTotalIncludes

void saveTotalIncludes(map[tuple[str p, str v], int] ti)

function loadTotalIncludes

map[tuple[str p, str v], int] loadTotalIncludes()

function generateIncludeCountsTable

str generateIncludeCountsTable(ICResult counts, map[tuple[str p, str v], int] totalIncludes)

str generateIncludeCountsTable(ICResult counts, map[tuple[str p, str v], int] totalIncludes, str caption, str texlabel)

function writeIncludeCountsTable

void writeIncludeCountsTable(ICResult counts, map[tuple[str p, str v], int] totalIncludes)

alias MMResult

map[tuple[str p, str v], tuple[list[ClassItem] sets, list[ClassItem] gets, list[ClassItem] isSets, list[ClassItem] unsets, list[ClassItem] calls, list[ClassItem] staticCalls]]

function magicMethodUses

MMResult magicMethodUses(Corpus corpus)

function magicMethodCounts

str magicMethodCounts(Corpus corpus, MMResult res, map[str,set[loc]] transitiveUses)

alias HistInfo

rel[str p, str file, int variableVariables, int variableCalls, int variableMethodCalls, int variableNews,                       int variableProperties, int variableClassConsts, int variableStaticCalls, int variableStaticTargets,                      int variableStaticProperties, int variableStaticPropertyTargets]

function calculateHistData

HistInfo calculateHistData(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses, 
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets)

function writeHistInfo

void writeHistInfo(loc l, HistInfo h)

function readHistInfo

HistInfo readHistInfo(loc l)

function writeHistInfoCSV

void writeHistInfoCSV(HistInfo h)

function squiglies

str squiglies(HistInfo hi)

function squigly

str squigly(rel[str, int] counts, str label)

function squiglyRound

str squiglyRound(rel[str, int] counts, str label)

function squigly2

str squigly2(rel[str, int] counts, str label)

function squigly3

str squigly3(rel[str, int] counts, str label, map[str,str] printingGroups)

function labeledSquigly

str labeledSquigly(rel[str, int] counts, str label)

function featureCountsPerFile

void featureCountsPerFile(Corpus corpus)

alias FMap

map[str file,tuple[int \break,int \classDef,int \const,int \continue,int \declare,int \do,int \echo,int \expressionStatementChainRule,int \for,int \foreach,int \functionDef,int \global,int \goto,int \haltCompiler,int \if,int \inlineHTML,int \interfaceDef,int \traitDef,int \label,int \namespace,int \return,int \static,int \switch,int \throw,int \tryCatch,int \unset,int \use,int \while,int \array,int \fetchArrayDim,int \fetchClassConst,int \assign,int \assignWithOperationBitwiseAnd,int \assignWithOperationBitwiseOr,int \assignWithOperationBitwiseXor,int \assignWithOperationConcat,int \assignWithOperationDiv,int \assignWithOperationMinus,int \assignWithOperationMod,int \assignWithOperationMul,int \assignWithOperationPlus,int \assignWithOperationRightShift,int \assignWithOperationLeftShift,int \listAssign,int \refAssign,int \binaryOperationBitwiseAnd,int \binaryOperationBitwiseOr,int \binaryOperationBitwiseXor,int \binaryOperationConcat,int \binaryOperationDiv,int \binaryOperationMinus,int \binaryOperationMod,int \binaryOperationMul,int \binaryOperationPlus,int \binaryOperationRightShift,int \binaryOperationLeftShift,int \binaryOperationBooleanAnd,int \binaryOperationBooleanOr,int \binaryOperationGt,int \binaryOperationGeq,int \binaryOperationLogicalAnd,int \binaryOperationLogicalOr,int \binaryOperationLogicalXor,int \binaryOperationNotEqual,int \binaryOperationNotIdentical,int \binaryOperationLt,int \binaryOperationLeq,int \binaryOperationEqual,int \binaryOperationIdentical,int \unaryOperationBooleanNot,int \unaryOperationBitwiseNot,int \unaryOperationPostDec,int \unaryOperationPreDec,int \unaryOperationPostInc,int \unaryOperationPreInc,int \unaryOperationUnaryPlus,int \unaryOperationUnaryMinus,int \new,int \castToInt,int \castToBool,int \castToFloat,int \castToString,int \castToArray,int \castToObject,int \castToUnset,int \clone,int \closure,int \fetchConst,int \empty,int \suppress,int \eval,int \exit,int \call,int \methodCall,int \staticCall,int \include,int \instanceOf,int \isSet,int \print,int \propertyFetch,int \shellExec,int \ternary,int \fetchStaticProperty,int \scalar,int \var,int \list,int \propertyDef,int \classConstDef,int \methodDef,int \traitUse] counts]

function saveFeatsMap

void saveFeatsMap(FMap m)

function loadFeatsMap

FMap loadFeatsMap()

function featsMapExists

bool featsMapExists()

function getFeatureGroups

map[str,list[str]] getFeatureGroups()

function groupsTable

str groupsTable(set[str] notIn80, set[str] notIn90, set[str] notIn100)

str groupsTable()

function getFeatureLabels

list[str] getFeatureLabels()

function generalFeatureSquiglies

str generalFeatureSquiglies(FMap featsMap)

function shortLabel

str shortLabel(str l)

function fileSizesHistogram

str fileSizesHistogram(LinesType ls)

function cumulative

map[int,int] cumulative(map[int bucket,int frequency] dist)

function almostAll

tuple[int threshold, int after] almostAll(map[int bucket, int cumulativeFrequency] dist)

function main

int main()

data FeatureNode

data FeatureNode (set[str] files={}, set[str] transFiles={}, real percent=0.0) 
= featureNode(set[str] features)
| synthNode(set[str] features)

alias FeatureLattice


function buildFeatureLattice

FeatureLattice buildFeatureLattice(map[int,set[FeatureNode]] nodesBySize, FeatureNode bottomNode, int totalFiles)

function getFMap

FMap getFMap()

function calculateFeatureLattice

FeatureLattice calculateFeatureLattice(FMap fmap)

function calculateTransitiveFiles

FeatureLattice calculateTransitiveFiles(FeatureLattice lattice, FeatureNode top, int totalFiles)

function minimumFeaturesForPercent

tuple[set[FeatureNode],set[str],int] minimumFeaturesForPercent(FMap fmap, FeatureLattice lattice, int targetPercent)

alias CoverageMap


function minimumFeaturesForPercent2

CoverageMap minimumFeaturesForPercent2(FMap fmap, FeatureLattice lattice)

function featuresForPercents

CoverageMap featuresForPercents(FMap fmap, FeatureLattice lattice, list[int] percents)

function featuresForAllPercents

CoverageMap featuresForAllPercents(FMap fmap, FeatureLattice lattice)

function saveCoverageMap

void saveCoverageMap(CoverageMap coverageMap)

function loadCoverageMap

CoverageMap loadCoverageMap()

function coverageMapExists

bool coverageMapExists()

function saveFeatureLattice

void saveFeatureLattice(FeatureLattice fl)

function loadFeatureLattice

FeatureLattice loadFeatureLattice()

function featureLatticeExists

bool featureLatticeExists()

function coverageGraph

str coverageGraph(CoverageMap coverageMap)

function vvUsagePatternsTable

str vvUsagePatternsTable(Corpus corpus)

function getVVLocs

set[loc] getVVLocs(lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vv)

set[loc] getVVLocs(str p, str v, lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vv)

function calculateFeatureTrans

set[loc] calculateFeatureTrans(rel[loc,loc,loc] includes, set[loc] featureLocs)

Given an includes graph and a set of files, return these files plus the files that (transitively) import them.

function calculateVVTransIncludes

map[str,set[loc]] calculateVVTransIncludes(
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvuses,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvmcalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvnews,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvcconsts,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvscalls,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvstargets,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsprops,
lrel[str p, str v, QueryResult qr] vvsptargets,
Corpus corpus,
map[tuple[str p, str v], rel[loc,loc,loc]] includes)

function calculateMMTransIncludes

map[str,set[loc]] calculateMMTransIncludes(Corpus corpus, MMResult mmr, map[tuple[str p, str v], rel[loc,loc,loc]] includes)

function loadBinaryWithIncludes

System loadBinaryWithIncludes(str product, str version)

function notCoveredBySystem

NotCoveredMap notCoveredBySystem(Corpus corpus, FeatureLattice lattice, CoverageMap coverageMap)

alias NotCoveredMap

map[str product, tuple[set[str] notIn80, set[str] notIn90] filesNotCovered]

function writeNotCoveredInfo

void writeNotCoveredInfo(NotCoveredMap notCovered)

function readNotCoveredInfo

NotCoveredMap readNotCoveredInfo()

function coverageComparison

str coverageComparison(Corpus corpus, NotCoveredMap ncm)

alias EvalUses

rel[str product, str version, loc fileloc, Expr call]

function corpusEvalUses

EvalUses corpusEvalUses(Corpus corpus)

function saveEvalUses

void saveEvalUses(EvalUses evalUses)

function loadEvalUses

EvalUses loadEvalUses()

function calculateEvalTransIncludes

map[str,set[loc]] calculateEvalTransIncludes(Corpus corpus, EvalUses evalUses, map[tuple[str p, str v], rel[loc,loc,loc]] includes)

function calculateFunctionTransIncludes

map[str,set[loc]] calculateFunctionTransIncludes(Corpus corpus, FunctionUses fuses, map[tuple[str p, str v], rel[loc,loc,loc]] includes)

function evalCounts

str evalCounts(Corpus corpus, EvalUses evalUses, FunctionUses fuses, map[str,set[loc]] transEvals, map[str,set[loc]] transFuses)

alias FunctionUses

rel[str product, str version, loc fileloc, Expr call]

function systemFunctionUses

FunctionUses systemFunctionUses(str product, str version, System sys)

function corpusFunctionUses

FunctionUses corpusFunctionUses(Corpus corpus)

function saveFunctionUses

void saveFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses)

function loadFunctionUses

FunctionUses loadFunctionUses()

function functionUsesByFun

void functionUsesByFun(FunctionUses functionUses)

function functionUsesCounts

str functionUsesCounts(Corpus corpus, FunctionUses functionUses)

function filterFunctionUses

FunctionUses filterFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses, set[str] fnames)

FunctionUses filterFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses, str fname)

function createFunctionUses

FunctionUses createFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses)

function invokeFunctionUses

FunctionUses invokeFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses)

function varargsFunctionUses

FunctionUses varargsFunctionUses(FunctionUses functionUses)

data Def

data Def  
= functionDef(str functionName, Stmt functionDef, loc defLoc)
| methodDef(str className, str methodName, ClassItem methodDef, loc defLoc)

function varargsFunctionsAndMethods

set[Def] varargsFunctionsAndMethods(System sys)

rel[str p, str v, Def d] varargsFunctionsAndMethods(Corpus corpus)

function varargsCalls

rel[loc,Expr,bool] varargsCalls(System sys)

rel[str,str,loc,Expr,bool] varargsCalls(Corpus corpus)

function allCalls

rel[loc,Expr] allCalls(System sys)

rel[str,str,loc,Expr] allCalls(Corpus corpus)

function saveAllCalls

void saveAllCalls(rel[str,str,loc,Expr] calls)

function loadAllCalls

rel[str,str,loc,Expr] loadAllCalls()

function saveVarargsCalls

void saveVarargsCalls(rel[str,str,loc,Expr,bool] calls)

function loadVarargsCalls

rel[str,str,loc,Expr,bool] loadVarargsCalls()

function classAndInterfaceCount

map[str product,tuple[int classes, int interfaces] ciCount] classAndInterfaceCount(Corpus corpus)

function classAndInterfaceFiles

rel[str product, str path] classAndInterfaceFiles(Corpus corpus)

function showVarArgsUses

str showVarArgsUses(Corpus corpus, rel[str p, str v, Def d] vaDefs, rel[str,str,loc,Expr,bool] vaCalls, rel[str,str,int] allCallsCounts, map[str,set[loc]] vatrans)

function invokeFunctionUsesCounts

str invokeFunctionUsesCounts(Corpus corpus, FunctionUses functionUses, map[str,set[loc]] transInvokes)

alias TotalRes


function whichHaveSomething

TotalRes whichHaveSomething(Corpus corpus)

function writeMMResults

void writeMMResults(MMResult mmr)

function loadMMResults

MMResult loadMMResults()

function totalStats

rel[str p, str v, int fc, int lc, int dc, real perFiles] totalStats(Corpus corpus, TotalRes tr)