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module demo::lang::pico::OldStyleLanguageServer


Demonstrating all of the LSP services for the demo language Pico.


deprecated: marked for future deletion This demo has been superseded by LanguageServer which avoids the use of deprecated API.


import demo::lang::pico::OldStyleLanguageServer;

Source code


import util::LanguageServer;
import util::IDEServices;
import ParseTree;
import util::Reflective;
import lang::pico::\syntax::Main;


This module is here to test the backward compatibility layer over the new LanguageServer API. For learning how to build a new set of lanuage services, please go here.

function picoLanguageContributor

Provides each contribution (IDE feature) as a callback element of the set of LanguageServices.

set[LanguageService] picoLanguageContributor() = {

function picoLanguageContributorSlowSummary

This set of contributions runs slower but provides more detail.

set[LanguageService] picoLanguageContributorSlowSummary() = {
analyzer(picoAnalyzer, providesImplementations = false),

function picoOutliner

The outliner maps pico syntax trees to lists of DocumentSymbols.

list[DocumentSymbol] picoOutliner(start[Program] input)
= [symbol("<input.src>", DocumentSymbolKind::\file(), input.src, children=[
*[symbol("<>", \variable(), var.src) | /IdType var := input]

function picoAnalyzer

The analyzer maps pico syntax trees to error messages and references.

Summary picoAnalyzer(loc l, start[Program] input) = picoSummarizer(l, input, analyze());

function picoBuilder

The builder does a more thorough analysis then the analyzer, providing more detail.

Summary picoBuilder(loc l, start[Program] input) = picoSummarizer(l, input, build());

data PicoSummarizerMode

A simple "enum" data type for switching between analysis modes.

data PicoSummarizerMode  
= analyze()
| build()

function picoSummarizer

Translates a pico syntax tree to a model (Summary) of everything we need to know about the program in the IDE.

Summary picoSummarizer(loc l, start[Program] input, PicoSummarizerMode mode) {
Summary s = summary(l);

// definitions of variables
rel[str, loc] defs = {<"<>", var.src> | /IdType var := input};

// uses of identifiers
rel[loc, str] uses = {<id.src, "<id>"> | /Id id := input};

// documentation strings for identifier uses
rel[loc, str] docs = {<var.src, "*variable* <var>"> | /IdType var := input};

// Provide errors (cheap to compute) both in analyze mode and in build mode.
s.messages += {<src, error("<id> is not defined", src, fixes=prepareNotDefinedFixes(src, defs))>
| <src, id> <- uses, id notin defs<0>};

// "references" are links for loc to loc (from def to use)
s.references += (uses o defs)<1,0>;

// "definitions" are also links from loc to loc (from use to def)
s.definitions += uses o defs;

// "documentation" maps locations to strs
s.documentation += (uses o defs) o docs;

// Provide warnings (expensive to compute) only in build mode
if (build() := mode) {
rel[loc, str] asgn = {<id.src, "<id>"> | /Statement stmt := input, (Statement) `<Id id> := <Expression _>` := stmt};
s.messages += {<src, warning("<id> is not assigned", src)> | <id, src> <- defs, id notin asgn<1>};

return s;

function lookupDef

Looks up the declaration for any variable use using the / deep match.

set[loc] lookupDef(loc _, start[Program] input, Tree cursor) =
{d.src | /IdType d := input, cursor :=};

function prepareNotDefinedFixes

If a variable is not defined, we list a fix of fixes to replace it with a defined variable instead.

list[CodeAction] prepareNotDefinedFixes(loc src, rel[str, loc] defs)
= [action(title="Change to <existing<0>>", edits=[changed(, [replace(src, existing<0>)])]) | existing <- defs];

function picoActions

Finds a declaration that the cursor is on and proposes to remove it.

list[CodeAction] picoActions([*Tree _, IdType x, *Tree _, start[Program] program])
= [action(command=removeDecl(program, x, title="remove <x>"))];

default list[CodeAction] picoActions(Focus _focus) = [];

data Command

data Command  
= renameAtoB(start[Program] program)
| removeDecl(start[Program] program, IdType toBeRemoved)

function picoLenses

Adds an example lense to the entire program.

rel[loc,Command] picoLenses(start[Program] input)
= {<input@\loc, renameAtoB(input, title="Rename variables a to b.")>};

function picoHinter

Generates inlay hints that explain the type of each variable usage.

list[InlayHint] picoHinter(start[Program] input) {
typeLookup = ( "<name>" : "<tp>" | /(IdType)`<Id name> : <Type tp>` := input);

return [
hint(name.src, " : <typeLookup["<name>"]>", \type(), atEnd = true)
| /(Expression)`<Id name>` := input
, "<name>" in typeLookup

function getAtoBEdits

Helper function to generate actual edit actions for the renameAtoB command.

list[DocumentEdit] getAtoBEdits(start[Program] input)
= [changed(input@\, [replace(id@\loc, "b") | /id:(Id) `a` := input])];

function picoCommands

Command handler for the renameAtoB command.

value picoCommands(renameAtoB(start[Program] input)) {
return ("result": true);

function picoCommands

Command handler for the removeDecl command.

value picoCommands(removeDecl(start[Program] program, IdType toBeRemoved)) {
applyDocumentsEdits([changed(program@\, [replace(toBeRemoved@\loc, "")])]);
return ("result": true);

function main

The main function registers the Pico language with the IDE.

void main() {
{"pico", "pico-new"},
{"pico", "pico-new"},

Register the Pico language and the contributions that supply the IDE with features.

Register Language is called twice here:

  1. first for fast and cheap contributions
  2. asynchronously for the full monty that loads slower


  • You can run each contribution on an example in the terminal to test it first. Any feedback (errors and exceptions) is faster and more clearly printed in the terminal.