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Open-source software is citeable output of research and development efforts. Citing software recognizes the associated investment and the quality of the result. If you use open-source software, it is becoming standard practise to recognize the work as its authors have indicated below. In turn their effort might be awarded with renewed funding for rascal-lsp based on the evidence of your appreciation, and it may help their individual career perspectives.

Specifically this software that bridges Rascal's meta-programming features to the language server protocol (and specifically VScode) can be cited via:

Jurgen J. Vinju, Davy Landman, & Rodin Aarssen. (2023). usethesource/rascal-language-servers: v0.6.1 (v0.6.1). Zenodo.

author = {Jurgen J. Vinju and
Davy Landman and
Rodin Aarssen},
title = {usethesource/rascal-language-servers: v0.6.1},
month = jan,
year = 2023,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v0.6.1},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7543695},
url = {}

For citing Rascal in general see here