module lang::rascal::tutor::Output
import lang::rascal::tutor::Output;
extend Message;
import ParseTree;
import String;
data Output
data Output
= line(str content)
| err(Message message)
| details(list[str] order)
| search(list[str] contents, str fragment)
| \docTag(str tagName, list[Output] output)
function out
multi line comment with a lonely callout
Output out(/<pre:.*><t:\/\*\s*\<\s*[0-9]*\s*\>\s*\*\/><post:.*>/)
function out
single line comment with a lonely callout
Output out(/^<pre:.*><t:\/\/\s*\<\s*[0-9]+\s*\>><post:\s*>$/)
function out
bullets with callouts
Output out(/^<pre:\s*\*>\s+<t:\<\s*[0-9]+\s*\>><post:.*>$/)
function out
callouts as bullets
Output out(/^<pre:\s*><t:\<\s*[0-9]+\s*\>><post:.*>$/)
default Output out(str output)
function empty
Output empty()
function callout
replace all characters by space, except the digits by callout digits
str callout(str input)
str callout(0)
str callout(int i)