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Tutor Compilation


After Authoring tutor files, they have to compiled down to plain docusaurus. The compiler implements features such as linking, screenshots, and executing code fragments. Most importantly, when there are linking errors (missing or ambiguous) or code execution errors, the compiler reports them such that they can be fixed before releasing the documentation.


The way to execute the rascal tutor compiler is via rascal-maven-plugin. First it has to be configured for your project.

Do configure the tutor, add the plugin to the pom.xml like so:

  1. enableStandardLibrary defines which library the links to standard library documentation refer to. Either the version of rascal that the rascal-maven-plugin depends on (true), or the version of rascal that the current project depends on (false). Also this defines which version of the library the code examples are executed against.
  2. errorsAsWarnings and warningsAsError define failure modes for the compiler. Maven will not fail if errorsAsWarnings is set to true even if there are errors.
  3. isPackageCourse, when set to true will nest all target documentation in docs/Packages/projectName, and rename src/main/rascal or src to API. All links will also be re-routed to these locations. Otherwise, when set to false all documentation ends up in docs/Course1 and docs/Course2, etc.
  4. bin points to the place that defines the root of the resulting jar file. All generated files will endup in bin/docs and bin/docs/assets. This has to be the outputDirectory and if you forget to configure this, it will be set automatically anyway. The compiler also writes bin/index.value file after it is done, to store the entire linking index for future usage. This future use can be either the next run of the compiler, or a depending project downstream.
  5. srcs define root courses, some of which will be pure Concept hierarchies, and others could be the root of Rascal source folders. Note that this also defines the search path for modules during code execution of rascal-shell blocks.
  6. ignores defines files or folders which are to be ignore. These could be folder names inside of Rascal source folders, or files of Rascal modules, or course concept folders, or course concept files. When a folder is ignored, this works transitively for the contents of that folder.


If the current Maven project has dependencies then the index.value files in these jar files are located and imported in the current link index of the project. This allows you to refer to concepts in one of the projects you depend on, provided that project was also using the rascal-maven-plugin to run the tutor compiler.

The dependency feature depends on the assumption that the /docs folders in the jar of the current project and the jars of the project it depends on are extracted into the docs folder of a Docusaurus project later, and that everything under /docs/assets in the same jars is copied to static/assets. The rascal-website project achieves this using the resources plugin copy commands. If you are running your own docusaurus site, then this should be re-implemented.


Simply run the maven compile or package or install command to trigger the rascal tutor compiler:

$ mvn install

However, to exclusively run the tutor you can try this:

$ mvn rascal:tutor

If there are screenshots in the documentation, then selenium must be configured with the location of chrome and chromedriver:

$ mvn rascal:tutor`which chromedriver``which chrome`

Here we have used the bash feature to splice in the location of chromedrive and chrome using the which command. This requires both to be found on the system PATH. If this is not the case, provide the absolute path to the binaries of these two programs. Both on Mac and Windows the path to Google Chrome, for example, may contain many spaces and it is wise to wrap the path in double quotes.

The tutor compiler is incremental in a certain way. Running the compile twice in a row, only the markdown files and Rascal modules that have been modified will be compiled again. The compiler reuses the output of the previous run, including error messages. All error messages and warnings, including those of unmodified files are always presented at the end.

Simple run the tutor twice to recompile only what has changed:

mvn rascal:tutor
mvn rascal:tutor

When folders or files are renamed, the old output files remain in the bin folder as well as the old links to those in the link index file. This can lead to:

  • spurious link ambiguity; for example when A/ has moved to C/ both versions of B will be present in the link administration.
  • unreported missing links; for example when A/ has moved to A/, B` will still be linked even though it is not present anymore.

It is therefore always prudent to mvn clean such that the output directory including the index.value has been removed, when files or folder change name or location.

Deployment of documentation

  • When mvn install or mvn package is run with the correct configuration for the bin folder, then all markdown files and other assets (screenshots) end up in the jar file of the current project.