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module salix::Node



import salix::Node;

Source code


import List;

data Node

data Node  
= hnode(NodeType \type, str tagName="", list[Node] kids=[], map[str,str] attrs=(),
map[str,str] props=(), map[str,Hnd] events=(), map[str,value] extra=(),
str id="", str kind="", str contents="")

The basic Html node type, defining constructors for elements, text nodes, and native nodes (which are managed in js).

data NodeType

data NodeType  
= element()
| txt()
| empty()

data Attr

data Attr  
= attr(str name, str val)
| prop(str name, str val)
| event(str name, Hnd handler, map[str,str] options = ())
| null()

Generalized attributes to be produced by explicit attribute construction functions (such as class(str), onClick(Msg), or \value(str)). null() acts as a zero element and is always ignored.

function attrsOf

map[str,str] attrsOf(list[Attr] attrs)

Helper functions to partition list of Attrs into attrs, props and events

function propsOf

map[str,str] propsOf(list[Attr] attrs)

function eventsOf

map[str,Hnd] eventsOf(list[Attr] attrs)

function bareHtml

Node bareHtml(Node n)

function toHtml

str toHtml(h:hnode(element()))

str toHtml(h:hnode(txt()))

function kids2html

str kids2html(list[Node] kids)

function attrs2str

str attrs2str(map[str, str] attrs)