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module examples::structParameters::Checker



import examples::structParameters::Checker;

Source code


import examples::structParameters::Syntax;
extend analysis::typepal::TypePal;
import List;

data AType

data AType  
= intType()
| strType()
| typeFormal(str name)
| structDef(str name, list[str] formals)
| structType(str name, list[AType] actuals)

data IdRole

data IdRole  
= fieldId()
| structId()
| typeFormalId()

function prettyAType

str prettyAType(intType()) = "int";

str prettyAType(strType()) = "str";

str prettyAType(typeFormal(name)) = "<name>";

str prettyAType(structDef(name, formals)) = isEmpty(formals) ? "<name>" : "<name>[<intercalate(",", formals)>]";

str prettyAType(structType(name, actuals)) = isEmpty(actuals) ? "<name>" : "<name>[<intercalate(",", [prettyAType(a) | a <- actuals])>]";

function structParametersInstantiateTypeParameters

AType structParametersInstantiateTypeParameters(Tree current, structDef(str name1, list[str] formals), structType(str name2, list[AType] actuals), AType t, Solver s){
if(size(formals) != size(actuals)) throw checkFailed([]);
bindings = (formals[i] : actuals [i] | int i <- index(formals));

return visit(t) { case typeFormal(str x) => bindings[x] };

default AType structParametersInstantiateTypeParameters(Tree current, AType def, AType ins, AType act, Solver s) {
return act;

function structParametersGetTypeNamesAndRole

tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] structParametersGetTypeNamesAndRole(structType(str name, list[AType] actuals)){
return <[name], {structId()}>;

default tuple[list[str] typeNames, set[IdRole] idRoles] structParametersGetTypeNamesAndRole(AType t){
return <[], {}>;

function structParametersGetTypeInNamelessType

AType structParametersGetTypeInNamelessType(AType containerType, Tree selector, loc _, Solver s){, "Undefined field %q on %t", "<selector>", containerType));
return intType();

function structParametersConfig

TypePalConfig structParametersConfig() =
tconfig(getTypeNamesAndRole = structParametersGetTypeNamesAndRole,
getTypeInNamelessType = structParametersGetTypeInNamelessType,
instantiateTypeParameters = structParametersInstantiateTypeParameters);

function collect

void collect(current:(Declaration)`<Type typ> <Id id> = <Expression exp> ;`, Collector c) {
c.define("<id>", variableId(), current, defType(typ));
c.requireEqual(typ, exp, error(exp, "Incorrect initialization, expected %t, found %t", typ, exp));

collect(typ, exp, c);

void collect(current:(Declaration) `struct <Id name> <TypeFormals formals> { <{Field ","}* fields> };`, Collector c) {
type_formal_list = formals is noTypeFormals ? [] : [f | f <- formals.formals];
c.define("<name>", structId(), current, defType(structDef("<name>", [ "<tf>" | tf <- type_formal_list])));
for(tf <- type_formal_list){
c.define("<tf>", typeFormalId(), tf, defType(typeFormal("<tf>")));
collect(formals, fields, c);

void collect(current:(Field)`<Type typ> <Id name>`, Collector c) {
c.define("<name>", fieldId(), current, defType(typ));
collect(typ, c);

void collect(current:(Type)`int`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, intType());

void collect(current:(Type)`str`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, strType());

void collect(current:(TypeFormals) `[ <{TypeFormal ","}+ formals> ]`, Collector c){
collect(formals, c);

void collect(current:(TypeActuals) `[ <{Type ","}+ actuals> ]`, Collector c){
collect(actuals, c);

void collect(current: (Type) `<Id name> <TypeActuals actuals>`, Collector c){
c.use(name, {structId(), typeFormalId()});
if(actuals is withTypeActuals){
tpActuals = [tp | tp <- actuals.actuals];
c.calculate("actual type", current, name + tpActuals,
AType(Solver s) {
return structType("<name>", [s.getType(tp) | tp <- tpActuals]);});

collect(actuals, c);
} else {
c.fact(current, name);

void collect(current:(Expression) `new <Id name><TypeActuals actuals>`, Collector c){
c.use(name, {structId()});
actual_list = actuals is noActuals ? [] : [a | a <- actuals.actuals];
c.calculate("new `<name>`", current, name + actual_list,
AType(Solver s){
if(structDef(_, formals) := s.getType(name)){
formal_list = [f | f <- formals];
if(size(actual_list) != size(formal_list)){, "Expected %v type parameters, but got %v", size(formal_list), size(actual_list)));
} else {, "Illegal type in `new`, expected `struct` found %t", name));
return structType("<name>", [s.getType(a) | a <- actual_list]);
collect(actuals, c);

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Expression lhs> . <Id fieldName>`, Collector c) {
c.useViaType(lhs, fieldName, {fieldId()});
c.calculate("FIELD SELECT", current, [lhs, fieldName], // Hackish solution, error in Solver?
AType(Solver s) {
tp = s.getType(fieldName);
if(typeFormal(str _) := tp) throw TypeUnavailable();
return tp;

//c.fact(current, fieldName); // <-- this should be enough
collect(lhs, c);

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Integer _>`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, intType());

void collect(current:(Expression)`<String _>`, Collector c) {
c.fact(current, strType());

void collect(current:(Expression)`<Id use>`, Collector c) {
c.use(use, {variableId()});