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module examples::untypedFun::Checker



import examples::untypedFun::Checker;

Source code


import examples::untypedFun::Syntax;
extend analysis::typepal::TypePal;

data AType

data AType  
= intType()
| boolType()
| strType()
| functionType(AType from, AType to)

function prettyAType

str prettyAType(intType()) = "int";

str prettyAType(boolType()) = "bool";

str prettyAType(strType()) = "str";

str prettyAType(functionType(AType from, AType to)) = "fun <prettyAType(from)> -\> <prettyAType(to)>";

function collect

void collect(current: (Expression) `fun <Id arg> { <Expression body> }`, Collector c) {
tau1 = c.newTypeVar(arg);
tau2 = c.newTypeVar(body);
c.fact(current, functionType(tau1, tau2));
c.define("<arg>", variableId(), arg, defType(tau1));
collect(body, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression exp1>(<Expression exp2>)`, Collector c) {
tau1 = c.newTypeVar(exp1);
tau2 = c.newTypeVar(exp2);

c.calculateEager("application", current, [exp1, exp2],
AType (Solver s) {
s.requireUnify(functionType(tau1, tau2), exp1, error(exp1, "Function type expected, found %t", exp1));
s.requireUnify(tau1, exp2, error(exp2, "Incorrect type of actual parameter"));
return tau2;
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `let <Id name> = <Expression exp1> in <Expression exp2> end`, Collector c) {
c.define("<name>", variableId(), name, defType(exp1));
c.fact(current, exp2);
collect(exp1, exp2, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `if <Expression cond> then <Expression thenPart> else <Expression elsePart> fi`, Collector c){
c.calculate("if", current, [cond, thenPart, elsePart],
AType (Solver s) {
s.requireUnify(cond, boolType(), error(cond, "Condition"));
s.requireUnify(thenPart, elsePart, error(current, "thenPart and elsePart should have same type"));
return s.getType(thenPart);
collect(cond, thenPart, elsePart, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression lhs> + <Expression rhs>`, Collector c){
c.calculateEager("addition", current, [lhs,rhs],
AType (Solver s) {
targs = atypeList([s.getType(lhs), s.getType(rhs)]);
if(s.unify(targs, atypeList([intType(), intType()]))) return intType();
if(s.unify(targs, atypeList([strType(), strType()]))) return strType();, "No version of + is applicable for %t and %t", lhs, rhs));
return intType();
collect(lhs, rhs, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Expression lhs> && <Expression rhs>`, Collector c){
c.calculateEager("and", current, [lhs, rhs],
AType (Solver s) {
s.requireUnify(lhs, boolType(), error(lhs, "Expected `bool`, found %t", lhs));
s.requireUnify(rhs, boolType(), error(rhs, "Expected `bool`, found %t", rhs));
return boolType();
collect(lhs, rhs, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `( <Expression exp> )`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, exp);
collect(exp, c);

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Id name>`, Collector c){
c.use(name, {variableId()});

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Boolean boolcon>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, boolType());

void collect(current: (Expression) `<Integer intcon>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, intType());

void collect(current: (Expression) `<String strcon>`, Collector c){
c.fact(current, strType());