Some utility functions.
TypePal provides some utility functions to address common scenarios.
== collectAndSolve
TModel collectAndSolve(Tree pt, TypePalConfig config = tconfig(), bool debug = false)
implements the most simple type checking scenario without any customization.
For a given parse tree pt
- Create a Collector and use it to create a TModel by applying
to parse treept
. - Create a Solver and solve the constraints in that TModel.
- Return the extended TModel.
== getUseDef
rel[loc, loc] getUseDef(TModel tm)
Get all use-def relations in a given TModel. This may be used in an IDE for creating hyperlinks between use locations and definitions.
== getVocabulary
set[str] getVocabulary(TModel tm)
Get all defined names in a given TModel. This may be used in an IDE for text completion.
== getFacts
map[loc, AType] getFacts(TModel tm)
Get all the locations and their type in a given TModel.
== getMessages
list[Message] getMessages(TModel tm)
Get all the messages in a TModel (as added by the Solver).