Compile Time Errors
All errors that can occur during compilation of a Rascal program.
WARNING: in progress of being adopted to the Rascal compiler. This list currently holds for the Rascal interpreter.
The following compile time (static) errors can occur in a Rascal program. They cannot be caught by the Rascal program. Although some of these errors are raised while running Rascal programs in the interpreter, they are all intended to be raised by a static checker. This static checker is currently under development.
- AmbiguousFunctionReference
- ArgumentMismatch
- Arity
- DateTimeSyntax
- IllegalQualifiedDeclaration
- InvalidDateTimeComparison
- JavaCompilation
- JavaMethodLink
- MissingModifier
- MissingReturn
- ModuleImport
- ModuleNameMismatch
- NoKeywordParameters
- NonAbstractJavaFunction
- NonVoidTypeRequired
- NonWellformedType
- NotEnumerable
- PartiallyLabeledFields
- RedeclaredField
- RedeclaredType
- RedeclaredVariable
- SyntaxError
- UndeclaredAnnotation
- UndeclaredField
- UndeclaredFunction
- UndeclaredJavaMethod
- UndeclaredKeywordParameter
- UndeclaredModule
- UndeclaredModuleProvider
- UndeclaredNonTerminal
- UndeclaredType
- UndeclaredVariable
- UnexpectedKeywordArgumentType
- UnexpectedType
- UnguardedAppend
- UnguardedFail
- UnguardedInsert
- UnguardedIt
- UnguardedReturn
- UninitializedPatternMatch
- UnitializedVariable
- UnsupportedOperation
- UnsupportedPattern
- UnsupportedSubscript
- UnsupportedSubscriptArity