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Set Splice



Splice the elements of a set in an enclosing set.


ExpExp₁Expₙ{Exp₁, ..., Exp, ..., Expₙ}
TT₁Tₙset[lub(T₁, ..., T, ...,Tₙ)]


The operator * splices the elements of a set in an enclosing set.


Consider the following set in which the set {10, 20, 30} occurs as set element. It has as type set[value]:

rascal>{1, 2, {10, 20, 30}, 3, 4};
set[value]: {3,2,4,1,{10,20,30}}

The effect of splicing the same set element in the enclosing set gives a flat list of type set[int]:

rascal>{1, 2, *{10, 20, 30}, 3, 4};
set[int]: {10,1,3,20,2,4,30}

The same example can be written as:

rascal>S = {10, 20, 30};
set[int]: {10,20,30}
rascal>{1, 2, *S, 3, 4};
set[int]: {10,1,3,20,2,4,30}