Overview of important terms and concepts.
Rascalopedia gives a quick overview of the most important terms and concepts that are relevant for metaprogrammers in general and metaprogrammers using Rascal in particular.
Rascalopedia is work in progress. Please send us your suggestions for new concepts.
These are the currently covered topics:
- Abstract Data Type
- Abstract Syntax Tree
- Algebraic Data Type
- Compiler
- Domain Specific Language
- Dynamic Semantics
- Grammar
- Interpreter
- Language
- Language Definition
- List
- Meta Programming
- Parse Tree
- Parser
- Prettyprinter
- Refactoring
- Relation
- Scope
- Set
- Software Engineering
- Software Evolution
- Software Metric
- Static Semantics
- Syntax
- Testing
- Tuple
- Typechecker
- Visualization