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Word Replacement



Replace words in a string.


Suppose you are a book editor and want to ensure that all chapter and section titles are properly capitalized. Here is how to do this.


import String;

str capitalize(str word:/^<letter:[a-z]><rest:.*>/)
= "<toUpperCase(letter)><rest>";

default str capitalize(str word) = word;

test bool capitalize1() = capitalize("1") == "1";
test bool capitalize2() = capitalize("rascal") == "Rascal";

@synopsis{Version 1: capAll1: using a while loop}
str capAll1(str S)
result = "";
while (/^<before:\W*><word:\w+><after:.*$>/ := S) {
result = result + before + capitalize(word);
S = after;
return result;

test bool tstCapAll1() = capAll1("turn this into a title") == "Turn This Into A Title";

@synopsis{Version 2: capAll2: using visit}
str capAll2(str S)
return visit(S){
case /^<word:\w+>/i => capitalize(word)

test bool tstCapAll2() = capAll2("turn this into a title") == "Turn This Into A Title";
  • ❶ We start by introducing a helper function capitalize that does the actual capitalization of a single word. See Regular Pattern for details about regular expression patterns. Next we give two versions of a capitalization function for a sentence:

  • capAll1 uses a while loop to find subsequent words and to replace them by a capitalized version.

  • capAll2 uses a Visit to visit all words in the sentence and replace them by a capitalized version.

Here are some examples:

str: "Rascal"
rascal>capAll1("turn this into a capitalized title")
str: "Turn This Into A Capitalized Title"
Turn This Into A Capitalized Title
rascal>capAll2("turn this into a capitalized title")
str: "Turn This Into A Capitalized Title"
Turn This Into A Capitalized Title