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A version of Exp based on concrete syntax.


We describe how to write a grammar for Exp and how to use it to implement an evaluator.


Here is the grammar for Exp:

lexical IntegerLiteral = [0-9]+;        

start syntax Exp
= IntegerLiteral
| bracket "(" Exp ")"
> left Exp "*" Exp
> left Exp "+" Exp


  • ❶ Defines a lexical syntax rule for IntegerLiterals; They consist of one or more digits.
  • ❷ Defines the alternatives for Exp. The keyword start means that this is a start symbol of the grammar.
  • ❸ Defines alternative #1: an IntegerLiteral.
  • ❹ Defines alternative #2: parentheses. The | says that this alternative has the same priority as the previous one. The keyword bracket marks this as an alternative that defines parentheses.
  • ❺ Defines alternative #3: multiplication. The > says that the previous rule has a higher priority than the current one. The keyword left marks this as a left-associative rule.
  • ❻ Defines alternative #4: addition. The > says again that the previous rule has a higher priority than the current one. The keyword left marks this as a left-associative rule.

Now that the grammar is in place we want to use it to build an evaluator. Here is how:

import String;
import ParseTree;

int eval(str txt) = eval(parse(#Exp, txt));

int eval((Exp)`<IntegerLiteral l>`) = toInt("<l>");
int eval((Exp)`<Exp e1>*<Exp e2>`) = eval(e1) * eval(e2);
int eval((Exp)`<Exp e1>+<Exp e2>`) = eval(e1) + eval(e2);
int eval((Exp)`(<Exp e>)`) = eval(e);

test bool tstEval1() = eval("7") == 7;
test bool tstEval2() = eval("7*3") == 21;
test bool tstEval3() = eval("7+3") == 10;
test bool tstEval4() = eval("3+4*5") == 23;


  • ❶ We import Parse Tree because we will need the parse function below.
  • ❷ The main function eval that evaluates an expression as string to an integer. It proceeds in two steps:
    • parse(#Exp, txt) parses the given txt according to non-terminal Exp as defined by the grammar. The result is a parse tree.
    • This parse tree is given to another eval function that will reduce the tree to an integer.
  • ❸ Converts an IntegerLiteral to an integer. Let's dissect this further:
    • The Exp preceding the concrete pattern, unambiguously defines the type of the pattern. This is good practice to avoid ambiguities.
    • <IntegerLiteral l> matches an IntegerLiteral and binds it (a parse tree fragment) to variable l.
    • In the function body, toInt("<l>"), the parse tree fragment is inserted in a string -- effectively unparsing it -- and that string is converted to an integer.
  • ❹ Handles the multiplication case.
  • ❺ Handles the addition case.
  • ❻ Handles the case of parentheses.

What remains, is to check that eval works as expected. Just checking that parse returns a sort of parse tree:

rascal>parse(#Exp, "2+3");
Exp: (Exp) `2+3`

You will see such parse trees only once, unless you are a researcher in parsing ;-) Here is a demonstration of eval:

int: 5
int: 14
int: 20