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Like Eval1 but with support for sequences and assignments.


Interpreter Eval2 supports the following features of Func:

function declarationy
integer constanty
arithmetic operatorsy
comparison operatorsy
address operator
dereference operator

The main additions are local side effects and the sequence operator.


module demo::lang::Func::Eval2

// local side effects, returning env

import demo::lang::Func::AST;

import List;

alias Env = map[str, int];
alias PEnv = map[str, Func];

alias Result2 = tuple[Env, int];

Result2 eval2(str main, list[int] args, Prog prog) {
penv = ( f | f <- prog.funcs );
f = penv[main];
env = ( f.formals[i] : args[i] | i <- index(f.formals) );
return eval2(f.body, env, penv);

Result2 eval2(nat(int nat), Env env, PEnv penv) = <env, nat>;

Result2 eval2(var(str name), Env env, PEnv penv) = <env, env[name]>;

Result2 eval2(mul(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, x * y>;

Result2 eval2(div(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, x / y>;

Result2 eval2(add(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, x + y>;

Result2 eval2(sub(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, x - y>;

Result2 eval2(gt(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, (x > y) ? 1 : 0>;

Result2 eval2(lt(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, (x < y) ? 1 : 0>;

Result2 eval2(geq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, (x >= y) ? 1 : 0>;

Result2 eval2(leq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, x> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
<env, y> = eval2(rhs, env, penv);
return <env, (x <= y) ? 1 : 0>;

Result2 eval2(cond(Exp cond, Exp then, Exp otherwise), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, c> = eval2(cond, env, penv);
return (c != 0) ? eval2(then, env, penv) : eval2(otherwise, env, penv);

Result2 eval2(call(str name, list[Exp] args), Env env, PEnv penv) {
f = penv[name];
for (i <- index(f.formals)) {
<env, v> = eval2(args[i], env, penv);
env[f.formals[i]] = v;
return eval2(f.body, env, penv);

Result2 eval2(let(list[Binding] bindings, Exp exp), Env env, PEnv penv) {
for (b <- bindings) {
<env, x> = eval2(b.exp, env, penv);
env[b.var] = x;
return eval2(exp, env, penv);

Result2 eval2(assign(var(str name), Exp exp), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, v> = eval2(exp, env, penv);
env[name] = v;
return <env, v>;

Result2 eval2(seq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs), Env env, PEnv penv) {
<env, _> = eval2(lhs, env, penv);
return eval2(rhs, env, penv);

  • ❶ The alias Result is introduced: a pair of an environment and an integer value. All evaluator functions are changed from returning an integer (the result of evaluation) to Result (the result of evaluation and the local side effects).
  • ❷ The effect of this change can be seen in all functions. For instance, when evaluating multiplication, the environment produced by the left operand lhs to be passed as argument to the right operand of the multiplication. This is needed, to propagate any side effects caused by the left operand to propagate to the right one.
  • ❸ Assignment is implemented.
  • ❹ Sequencing is implemented. Observe that that the value of the left operand is ignored and that the value of the right operand is returned.

We apply eval2 to example F2:

fact(n) = if n <= 1 then 
n := 1
n := n * fact(n-1)

Let's try this.

rascal>import demo::lang::Func::Load;
rascal>import demo::lang::Func::Eval2;
rascal>import demo::lang::Func::programs::F2;
rascal>eval2("fact", [10], load(F2));
tuple[map[str, int],int]: <("n":3628800),3628800>