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Parsing a Lisp expression.


Given the Lisp Syntax, we can now apply it to parse textual Lisp expressions and convert them to the runtime representation Lval.

module demo::lang::Lisra::Parse

import Prelude;
import demo::lang::Lisra::Syntax;
import demo::lang::Lisra::Runtime;

Lval parse(str txt) = build(parse(#LispExp, txt));

Lval build((LispExp)`<IntegerLiteral il>`) = Integer(toInt("<il>"));
Lval build((LispExp)`<AtomExp at>`) = Atom("<at>");
Lval build((LispExp)`( <LispExp* lst> )`) = List([build(l) | l <- lst]);
test bool build2() = build((LispExp) `abc`) == Atom("abc");
test bool build3() = build((LispExp) `(abc 42)`) == List([Atom("abc"), Integer(42)]);

test bool parse1() = parse("123") == Integer(123);
test bool parse2() = parse("abc") == Atom("abc");
test bool parse3() = parse("()") == List([]);
test bool parse4() = parse("(123)") == List([Integer(123)]);
test bool parse5() = parse("(123 abc)") == List([Integer(123), Atom("abc")]);

  • ❶ First we define the actual parse function: it takes a string as argument and returns an Lval. It proceeds in two steps:

    • First the text is parsed using parse(#LispExp, txt). The result is parse tree.
    • Next, the auxiliary function build is used to transform the parse tree to an Lval.
  • ❷ Function build is defined in cases, to handle the various parse tree forms. Fortunately, we do not have to spell out the details of the parse tree, but we can use concrete patterns instead (see concrete patterns, below).

    The right-hand sides deserve some attention. Here the argument il is a parse tree (!!) that represents an integer literal. We first convert it to a string using string interpolation ("<il>") and then convert it to an integer.

  • ❸ The text of the atom is reconstructed in a similar fashion.

  • ❹ The concrete list elements in lst are converted one-by-one using build and are then used to create a new List value.

Concrete Patterns

We use concrete patterns in these definitions. For instance, the argument pattern

(LispExp)`<IntegerLiteral il>`


  • Match something of type LispExp.
  • It should be an IntegerLiteral and bind it to a variable il.

More precisely, the text between backquotes should be a string that can be parsed according to the non-terminal that precedes it (LispExp in this example). This is illustrated by the list case where the parentheses appear in the concrete pattern:

(LispExp)`( <LispExp* lst> )`


rascal>import demo::lang::Lisra::Parse;
rascal>import demo::lang::Lisra::Runtime;
Lval: Integer(1)
Lval: Atom("x")
rascal>parse("(+ 5 7)");
Lval: List([