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Concrete syntax for Pico.


module demo::lang::Pico::Syntax

import ParseTree;

lexical Id = [a-z][a-z0-9]* !>> [a-z0-9];

lexical Natural = [0-9]+ ;

lexical String = "\"" ![\"]* "\"";

layout Layout = WhitespaceAndComment* !>> [\ \t\n\r%];

lexical WhitespaceAndComment
= [\ \t\n\r]
| @category="Comment" ws2: "%" ![%]+ "%"
| @category="Comment" ws3: "%%" ![\n]* $

start syntax Program
= program: "begin" Declarations decls {Statement ";"}* body "end" ;

syntax Declarations
= "declare" {Declaration ","}* decls ";" ;

syntax Declaration = decl: Id id ":" Type tp;

syntax Type
= natural:"natural"
| string :"string"

syntax Statement
= asgStat: Id var ":=" Expression val
| ifElseStat: "if" Expression cond "then" {Statement ";"}* thenPart "else" {Statement ";"}* elsePart "fi"
| whileStat: "while" Expression cond "do" {Statement ";"}* body "od"

syntax Expression
= id: Id name
| strCon: String string
| natCon: Natural natcon
| bracket "(" Expression e ")"
> left conc: Expression lhs "||" Expression rhs
> left ( add: Expression lhs "+" Expression rhs
| sub: Expression lhs "-" Expression rhs

start[Program] program(str s) {
return parse(#start[Program], s);

start[Program] program(str s, loc l) {
return parse(#start[Program], s, l);


  • Id, Natural and String are the basic lexical tokens of the Pico language.
  • Layout defines the white space and comments that may occur in a Pico program.
  • ❸ Some lexical rules are labeled with @category="Comment". This is for the benefit of syntax highlighting.
  • ❹ The start symbol of the Pico grammar is called Program.
  • ❺ The rules for Expression describe the priority and associativity of the operators: all operators are left-associative and || has a higher priority then + and -.
  • ❻ Two utility functions program are defined that parse a given string or a given location as Pico program.