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Typechecker for Pico programs.


Recall the following properties of Pico that are relevant for type checking:

  • There are two types: natural numbers and strings.

  • Variables have to be declared.

  • Expressions may contain naturals, strings, variables, addition (+), subtraction (-) and concatenation (||).

  • The operators + and - have operands of type natural and their result is natural.

  • The operator || has operands of type string and its results is also of type string.

  • Tests in if-then-else statement and while-statement should be of type natural.

The type checker is going to check these rules and will produce an error message when they are violated.

module demo::lang::Pico::Typecheck

import Prelude;
import demo::lang::Pico::Abstract;
import demo::lang::Pico::Load;

alias TENV = tuple[ map[PicoId, TYPE] symbols, list[tuple[loc l, str msg]] errors];

TENV addError(TENV env, loc l, str msg) = env[errors = env.errors + <l, msg>];

str required(TYPE t, str got) = "Required <getName(t)>, but got <got>";
str required(TYPE t1, TYPE t2) = required(t1, getName(t2));

TENV checkExp(exp:natCon(int N), TYPE req, TENV env) =
req := natural() ? env : addError(env, exp.src, required(req, "natural"));

TENV checkExp(exp:strCon(str S), TYPE req, TENV env) =
req := string() ? env : addError(env, exp.src, required(req, "string"));

TENV checkExp(exp:id(PicoId Id), TYPE req, TENV env) {
return addError(env, exp.src, "Undeclared variable <Id>");
tpid = env.symbols[Id];
return req := tpid ? env : addError(env, exp.src, required(req, tpid));

TENV checkExp(exp:add(EXP E1, EXP E2), TYPE req, TENV env) =
natural() := req ? checkExp(E1, natural(), checkExp(E2, natural(), env))
: addError(env, exp.src, required(req, "natural"));

TENV checkExp(exp:sub(EXP E1, EXP E2), TYPE req, TENV env) =
natural() := req ? checkExp(E1, natural(), checkExp(E2, natural(), env))
: addError(env, exp.src, required(req, "natural"));

TENV checkExp(exp:conc(EXP E1, EXP E2), TYPE req, TENV env) =
string() := req ? checkExp(E1, string(), checkExp(E2, string(), env))
: addError(env, exp.src, required(req, "string"));

TENV checkStat(stat:asgStat(PicoId Id, EXP Exp), TENV env) {
return addError(env, stat.src, "Undeclared variable <Id>");
tpid = env.symbols[Id];
return checkExp(Exp, tpid, env);

TENV checkStat(stat:ifElseStat(EXP Exp, ❶⓿
list[STATEMENT] Stats1,
list[STATEMENT] Stats2),
TENV env){
env0 = checkExp(Exp, natural(), env);
env1 = checkStats(Stats1, env0);
env2 = checkStats(Stats2, env1);
return env2;

TENV checkStat(stat:whileStat(EXP Exp,
list[STATEMENT] Stats1),
TENV env) {
env0 = checkExp(Exp, natural(), env);
env1 = checkStats(Stats1, env0);
return env1;

TENV checkStats(list[STATEMENT] Stats1, TENV env) { ❶❶
for(S <- Stats1){
env = checkStat(S, env);
return env;

TENV checkDecls(list[DECL] Decls) = ❶❷
<( Id : tp | decl(PicoId Id, TYPE tp) <- Decls), []>;

TENV checkProgram(program(list[DECL] Decls, list[STATEMENT] Series)) { ❶❸
return checkStats(Series, checkDecls(Decls));

list[tuple[loc l, str msg]] checkProgram(str txt) = checkProgram(load(txt)).errors; ❶❹


  • ❶ We will use TENV (short for type environment), as an alias for a tuple that contains all relevant type information:

    • symbols: a map from Pico identifiers to their declared type.
    • errors: a list of error messages. An error message is represented by its location (where the error occurred) and a textual message.
  • addError is an auxiliary function to add in a given type environment an error message to the list of errors. It returns a new type environment.

  • requiredis an auxiliarty function to produce readable messages, e.g., "Required natural, got string".

  • ❹ The actual type checking is done by the functions checkExp, checkStat, checkStats, checkDecls and checkProgram. They all have three arguments:

    • The program fragment (an abstract syntax tree) to be checked.

    • The required type of that fragment.

    • The type environment.

      checkExp checks expressions. For instance, checking a natural constant (natCon) is ok when type natural is expected but will give an error message when a string is expected. Observe how all the arguments of the check functions have a labeled pattern as first argument, here exp:natCon(int N). The benefit is that the whole argument is available inside the function (as value of variable exp) and this can be used to retrieve the location information from it (exp@location) when an error has to be created.

  • ❺ An important case is to check whether an identifier has been defined and, if so, whether it is defined with the expected type.

  • ❻ Check add.

  • ❼ Check sub.

  • ❽ Check conc.

  • ❾ An assignment statement is checked: the identifier on the left-hand side should have been declared and should be type compatible with the expression on the right-hand side.

  • ❶⓿ Checking if- and while-statements amounts to checking the embedded statements and ensuring that the type of the test is natural.

  • ❶❶ Checking a list of statements amounts to checking each statement in the list.

  • ❶❷ Checking declarations amounts to extracting each (id, type) pair form the declarations and using a map comprehension to build a type environment.

  • ❶❸ Checking a complete Pico program is achieved by first checking the declarations of the program and using the resulting type environment to check its body.

  • ❶❹ checkProgram defines how to check the source code of a given Pico program.

Checking an erroneous program goes like this:

rascal>import demo::lang::Pico::Typecheck;
rascal>checkProgram("begin declare x : natural; x := \"abc\" end");
lrel[loc l,str msg]: [<|unknown:///|(33,5,<1,33>,<1,38>),"Required natural, but got string">]

The error location will be use later to give specific messages in the IDE.