Eight Queens
This demo implements a solver of the eight queens puzzle:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle_solutions
First the prerequisites:
import List;
import util::Math;
We play eight queens on a chess board, n by n squares, but usually 8. very queen has her position:
alias Pos = tuple[int x,int y];
Queens challenge eachother diagonally if the absolute difference in x coordinates equals the absolute difference in y coordinates:
bool diagonalOverlap(Pos l, Pos r) = l != r ==> abs(l.x - r.x) == abs(l.y - r.y);
One particular guess at a solution can be checked by simply comparing all pairs of queens with one another for diagonal overlap:
lrel[&T,&T] pairs(list[&T] p) =
[ <p[i],p[j]> | i <- [0..size(p)-1], j <- [i+1..size(p)]];
bool isSolution(list[Pos] queens) = all(<l,r> <- pairs(queens), !diagonalOverlap(l,r));
The main driver is a brute force generator of all possible permutations on the board:
list[list[Pos]] nQueens(int n)
= [queens
| cols <- permutations([0..n]),
queens := [<i,cols[i]> | i <- [0..n]],
Let's give it a try:
list[lrel[int x,int y]]: [